How to finally get unstuck & become the bass player you’ve always dreamed…

Without having to quit your job, ignore your family, and practice 8 hours a day.

Or read your personal invitation from Scott Devine now…
Scott Devine
Hey Groovehacker
Close your eyes and picture yourself playing at the absolute peak of your musical ability.
What does that mean for you?
Scott smiling while playing bassScott and Ian playing bass hardA bass player smiling while performing in a band with many musicians

Maybe you’re jamming with rock-solid timing & groove.

To the point where it feels like the kick drum and bass guitar are fused into a single, ground-shaking instrument.
Scott smiling while playing bass

Maybe your hands are blazing up & down the neck.

Yet no matter how fast the chord changes fly by, you never miss a beat. (Or break a sweat.)
Scott and Ian playing bass hard

Or maybe you just want to be able to walk into a room with any other musicians holding your head high.

Because you know that — no matter what curveballs they throw your way — you will be able to hold your own.
A bass player smiling while performing in a band with many musicians
Scott Devine

Let me ask you a sobering question…

What’s stopping you from playing like this today?

Most bass players give the same four-letter answer...


I know, because more than a million bass players sign up to get my lessons now. Which means every day, I get countless messages from them expressing their frustration. (And asking for help.)

Most of them say their biggest problem is finding time to sit down and play consistently.

Because after they add up the hours they need for their successful career…busy social life…and quality family time…

It seems like there aren’t any hours left.

Hell, there aren’t even any minutes left.

So at best, you might be able to string together a few weeks of steady practice.

But then you run into a busy stretch at work. Or your water heater starts to leak.

A bass in a corner of a room
And your bass winds up sitting in the corner collecting dust for a few weeks. Until you force yourself to start playing again. And the cycle starts all over.

At the same time I also hear from plenty of bass players who do manage to follow a steady practice routine… yet they still feel stuck.

They spend week after week toiling away in the practice shed. But when they look up a few months later, it seems like nothing has changed.

So they feel like all the hours they spent somehow still aren’t enough.

And they wind up trying to scrape together even more of their precious time…

Just so they can spend it locked away in the practice shed.

Scott Devine

But what if I told you the real problem actually isn’t how much time you have to play the bass...

It’s what you accomplish with that time, instead.

Now I know that may sound crazy. But let me prove it to you…

Imagine if you could squeeze double…triple…or even quadruple the progress from the same 30 minutes in the shed…

I’m talking about the kind of warp-speed progress that makes you do a double-take. Because now you can breeze through a bassline that was giving you fits just one or two days ago.

Wouldn’t progress like that make you want to sit down and play your bass more often?

Or if you already have a steady practice routine, but you feel like you’ve hit a wall. And it seems like the only way to break through is somehow finding even more time to practice…

How fast would you smash through to the other side if you could turbocharge the progress you see from the time you already spend playing your bass? (Without having to spend an extra millisecond in the shed.)

A bass being confidently played

The sad truth is, most bass players don’t get anywhere close to 100% from their practice routine.

And I believe this is the number one obstacle keeping them from reaching their full musical potential. (Especially if they have to balance their musical ambitions with a busy career and full family life.)

Because when you settle for less than 100% from your limited practice time, it means you waste precious hours in the shed with little — or nothing — to show for it.

And it can make you feel the only way you’ll ever reach the peak of your natural ability is to quit your job, hide from your family, and practice eight hours a day.

But it also means, if you can find a way to multiply the results you get from your practice time...

  • Your bass technique goes from shaky to rock-solid. And all the flops and flubs you’re used to hearing vanish into thin air. (Even during those tricky, up-tempo riffs and fills.)
  • Your hands seem to develop a mind of their own. And they dance up and down the fretboard in perfect time with the chord changes — without you having to think about it at all.
  • And your sense of timing and groove becomes so steady, you can practically use it to set your watch.

Your playing can take off like a rocket.

A bass being confidently played

And in a matter of months — or even weeks — you can watch in amazement as…

Your bass technique goes from shaky to rock-solid.

And all the flops and flubs you’re used to hearing vanish into thin air.

Your hands seem to develop a mind of their own.

And they dance up and down the fretboard in perfect time with the chord changes.

And your sense of timing and groove becomes so steady you can practically use it to set your watch.

Because you’re finally getting every last ounce of progress from the limited time you have to spend playing the bass. (Even if that’s only for a few minutes some weeks.)

Scott Devine

So how exactly do you squeeze 100% of the results from your practice routine?

By now, you probably know that chasing around random lessons on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok is not a great use of your time…

Since they are basically the musical equivalent of junk food.

They are a tiny snack that can sometimes provide the illusion of progress.

But they don’t build on each other or offer any meaningful, long-term improvements.

And while online courses can be great for taking a deep dive on a specific topic or skill…

Each one only covers a tiny fraction of what it takes to become a complete bass player.

Paying big bucks for private lessons often doesn’t work, either.

Because your average bass instructor has little to no experience building a full-scale bass curriculum.

And while getting a private tutor to give you feedback on your playing is certainly helpful…

Over the long-term, their lesson plans usually aren’t much better than picking random videos on YouTube.

No, there’s only one way to get everything you can out of the limited time you have to play the bass…

How I compressed years of music college into one… without ever setting foot on campus.

Scott telling a story to Ian

At this point, you’ve likely heard the story about how I got rejected from my dream music college when I was 18. Because even though I nailed my audition, my high school grades weren’t great. And I was literally days away from interviewing for a job at the local textile factory where my dad worked.

My dreams of being a professional musician probably would have died if I took that job.

But instead of giving up, I came up with an idea that was so crazy…it just might work. And with the support of my parents, I decided to cancel my job interview at the factory to at least give it a shot.

See, without trying to brag, I’m almost fanatical about breaking complex skills like playing the bass into their fundamental building blocks. Kind of like a scientist in a lab.

Then from there, I’ll obsess over finding the most streamlined way to put those pieces together. Which can allow you to shave years off your learning curve.

So I took this natural obsession with tinkering and pointed it at creating my own version of music college.

I bought every bass guitar book I could find. I made secret copies of the syllabus for each class I would have taken at music college.

I even took the money I would have spent on tuition and used it to fly to Spain every month, where I studied under the great Gary Willis.

Gary Willis and Scott Devine talking

Now at first, I was overwhelmed by the mountain of material I had to learn.

But I refused to give up.

Week after week, I kept my head down searching for patterns.

And over the next few months, all the pieces finally started coming together.

I almost couldn’t believe it.

But when the dust finally settled, I was able to create a precise “blueprint” that laid out the exact steps I had to follow to reach my full potential as a bass player. (In a fraction of the time compared to traditional bass education.)

Scott drawing on a whiteboard

In fact, roughly 12 months after I started following my personal “bass blueprint,” other musicians started asking where I went to college…

So you can imagine the look on their face when I told them I didn’t. (Which always made me smile inside.)

After all, I was never the most talented bass player in my city…

But thanks to my blueprint, I was now able to squeeze every ounce of progress out of my practice time. And that allowed me to continue getting better gigs…

While some of my more gifted friends actually gave up and started working in a cubicle eight hours a day.

See, I made a stunning discovery when I compressed years of music school into roughly 12 months...

Scott stood confidently in front of written notes and scribbles

I discovered that there are only seven pillars that support everything you can possibly learn on the bass.

So I took these pillars…

Assessed my skills for each one…

Compared them to my goals…

Then created my “blueprint” to fill in the gaps — from largest to smallest.

That’s how I was able to turbocharge my practice time and get four times the results for the same amount of time.

And now, I want to do the same thing for you.

The 7 foundational bass pillars I discovered are…

  1. Make playing the bass come so naturally, you can play even the most difficult lines without even thinking.
  2. “See” the notes available to you light up across the entire fingerboard. Then instantly change with each chord progression.
  3. Make sure your bass lines always land directly in the pocket with amazing timing and groove.
  4. Bridge the giant chasm that often separates what we practice in the shed…with what our fingers actually do when performing in front of a crowd.
  5. Build a rock-solid foundation that allows you to seamlessly play in any genre, style, or musical situation with ease.
  6. Always play to your full musical ability and creativity — without ever feeling limited or restricted.
  7. Take the amazing bass lines you hear in your head and instantly bring them to life on your instrument.

In fact, these seven pillars actually form the basis for much of my teaching inside the SBL Membership. (Which is a big reason why Players Path and the Learning Pathways help so many of our Members see dramatic improvements in their playing.)

As you probably know, these Pathways offer a step-by-step curriculum based on your current skill and ability. Similar to the “blueprint” I created for myself all those years ago.

The Pathways help you focus on the most important skills you need to develop. And they allow you to cut out the noise and focus on your biggest opportunities for growth.

We’ve had thousands of students tell us how these step-by-step Pathways have transformed their playing. (Maybe you’re even one of them.)

But there’s still one “problem” with the step-by-step pathways inside The SBL Membership

Although I hesitate to really call it a problem.

It’s more like a “necessary trade-off”…

See, Players Path and Learning Pathways are designed to work for our entire membership.

Which means they’re an amazing, affordable way for tens of thousands of bass players to enhance their playing.

But to serve that many students, we also had to make some sacrifices.

For example, the Pathways are still self-guided. Which means it’s up to you, the student, to make your way through the program on your own.

But I know it can be hard to play consistently when you have to do everything by yourself. You may even start to feel like a failure when you aren’t picking up your bass as often as you’d like.

Yet that only makes it harder to find the motivation to play.

Scott holding a bass looking perplexed
Because if you feel guilty every time you think about playing your bass, it’s not going to make you want to practice more. If anything, it will make you want to practice less.

On top of that, if you have other material to work on in addition to the SBL Pathways, it can be hard to figure out how to balance everything.

Plus we also had to design the curriculum to serve a broad audience. Since we have bass players from all skill levels and genres in SBL.

There’s just no way we could offer everyone in SBL a completely custom blueprint…

Based on your exact ability, playing style, and performance goals…

Tailored to fit around your specific schedule…

Along with private, one-on-one feedback and instruction from a professional bass coach.

At least not for all 37,000+ current SBL Members at the same time.

But now here’s the plot twist…

Starting today we can offer this, to a limited number of you...

The Blueprint Exclusive Bass Coaching Program
Get ready to finally play the bass like you’ve always dreamed… No matter how old you are or how busy your schedule is.

The Blueprint is a private, application-only opportunity for bass players in the SBL community.

If you are accepted, you will receive your own custom “bass blueprint” to help you squeeze everything you can from your practice time…

Except without having to do it all yourself.

Instead, a professional bass coach will create your blueprint for you, using a proprietary assessment I created from the seven foundational bass pillars.

Plus you will get weekly, private, one-on-one instruction and ongoing support from your coach, too.

Which means if you are accepted into The Blueprint…

With The Blueprint, you too can compress years of private lessons or music college into a surprisingly short time...

Because your custom Blueprint is guaranteed to fit you…your schedule…and your playing goals like a glove.

It will take into account:

  • Your current ability and biggest opportunities for growth, according to our proprietary, seven-pillar assessment.
  • Your goals as a bass player and musician — whether you want to “turn pro” and make a living from your instrument. Or just have the confidence to walk into any situation and hold your own.
  • Your ideal practice schedule, based on your work, family, and social commitments.

That way, you will be able to turbocharge the results you get from your practice time.

And make faster progress than you would with even private lessons or music school.

Just like I did with my own personal bass blueprint all those years ago. And just like dozens of your fellow bass players have with The Blueprint 12-month coaching and mentorship experience.

Hear what our students are saying about Blueprint

Now, you’re probably thinking “This all sounds great, Scott… but how does it actually work?”

Ok, so let’s get into the juicy details ;-) 

The Blueprint is a 12-month private bass coaching program, based on the proprietary, seven-pillar coaching method I created.

As a member of The Blueprint, a world-class bass coach will guide you using this method to accelerate your progress. Including during weekly, one-on-one lessons and on-demand messages.

Rather than getting lost and frustrated chasing random YouTube lessons or bass courses...

Diagram visualising random youtube videos

....The Blueprint gives you a personalised step-by-step curriculum and all the support you need.

Here's how it works.

The Blueprint Private Coaching Program has 3 main components...

#1) Your World-Class Blueprint Coach

Here at SBL, we have access to a top-secret “little black book” of the top bass instructors in the world.

Most of these instructors cannot be found online. They’re teaching at universities or quietly running their own boutique private practices.

But lucky for you, I’ve built a network of these world-class instructors during my nearly three-decade career playing and teaching bass. And because of the reach and impact of the SBL platform, these instructors are willing to work with our students — when they wouldn’t do that for anyone else.

And now, with The Blueprint, you will have a personal, world-class Blueprint Coach by your side each and every step of the way to ensure you see consistent, lightning-fast progress.

You’ll be able to message your coach any time with videos of your playing for feedback. And they will respond to you within 24 business hours.

During your weekly live one-on-one coaching sessions, your coach will be there to support and encourage you when you face the doubts we all experience when learning something new. And to give you a gentle push when they know you’re capable of more.

Plus you will have access to a practice log and accountability app. That way, your coach can help you keep moving forward when work or life threatens to knock you off track.

#2) The SBL 7-Pillar Coaching Method

By now, you’ve seen how I uncovered the seven pillars that support everything you need to become an outstanding bass player.

And by following a systematic approach to studying these pillars, you can make massive gains in your playing — faster than you ever thought possible.

Now these pillars may seem basic at first. But that’s also what makes them so powerful.

Because instead of chasing the latest shiny object, these seven pillars offer you a real foundation for playing bass like a pro…

Diagram summary of the 7 pillars

The central pillar of my 7-Pillar Coaching Method is measured performance. Since that’s the only way to know whether you’re making progress. (And if so, how much.)

Then based on your measured progress, your coach will adjust your blueprint to focus on the other six pillars as needed. That way, you always see the biggest results for your efforts.

#3) A Learning Collective

In my experience, there’s nothing more motivating and energizing than being surrounded by a group of supportive peers. Peers that not only encourage you to reach your goals. But who also inspire you with their own progress.

And I first came to this conclusion once I started trying to recreate my own version of music college. (Without actually enrolling in classes.)

See, I realized I was missing the community that comes with being a music student. So I decided to move into a house in Leeds with five other bass players!

Photo of Scott in front of his old house

With these bass players as my flatmates, it was like there was bass “in the air.” And I’m almost positive I would have given up if not for their support, encouragement, and guidance.

Which is why, as a member of the Blueprint, you’ll join my exclusive inner circle, along with a handful of other like-minded bass players. Plus you’ll also join an even more tight-knit accountability group with eight or fewer fellow Blueprint members.

Of course, if you prefer to remain private, you’re welcome to opt-out of the group interactions.

But you’d be sacrificing a major benefit from your Blueprint membership if you do.

Because we will also be hosting monthly, private live-streamed roundtables with some of the world's top bass players.

Ian Allison about to go live

(I can’t reveal the details just yet. But we’re talking about some household names here.)

Plus you’ll also get the chance to join a second monthly live stream with one of The Blueprint instructors that offers a deeper look into one of the 7 pillars from The Blueprint coaching methodology.

And to be clear, these livestreams will only be available to the members of The Blueprint.

Plus you’ll also enjoy exclusive bonuses only for Blueprint members

For example, The SBL Platinum Ticket is only available to members of The Blueprint.

And it gives you unlimited access to every SBL course for life. Including all Accelerators, Artist Workshops, and Bootcamps — even after your Blueprint membership ends.

Accelerators, Bootcamps, Masterclass product covers

Plus you’ll also enjoy FREE admission to any live events hosted by SBL while you’re an active Blueprint member...

Bass Space promo image

On top of that, you also get priority, white-glove support from our student success team.

Which means if you ever need help with anything, our team will be standing by to assist you.

That way, you can focus 100% on your playing. And on enjoying the satisfaction you’ll feel when you can start acing the songs that drive you mad right now.
Jim Moore profile photo
Jim Moore - Student Mentor
What if you could become the bass player you always dreamed?

The Blueprint is not for everyone…

So for your own sake, you should not apply unless you meet the following criteria. (I wouldn’t want you to invest your time completing the application, when it’s clear you’re not yet a fit for the program.)

First, The SBL Blueprint Is Not For Total Beginners

So if you don’t have at least a basic foundation with your bass, for now just continue to focus on the lessons inside the SBL Membership. (And if you can do that, you’ll be ready for The Blueprint sooner than you think!)

The Blueprint Is Also Not For The Uncommitted

Because even though the program will show you how to reach your full musical potential in the fastest time possible…it still requires some time and effort.

And at the end of the day, the results you get out of the program… Depend on the effort you put in to the program.

So if you expect to develop bulletproof technique…flawless fretboard control…dynamic groove…and more — all without playing more than a few times a month, this program is also not for you.

Because those results are just not realistic.

To get the most out of The Blueprint, here’s what you should expect…

First, expect to dedicate an average of 30 minutes per day, five days per week to your lessons. (But 45 minutes would be even better.)

And remember, your coach will work with you to find the ideal way to structure that time. Plus they will also be there to help you stay on track when distractions rear their ugly head.

Also, The Blueprint is an initial commitment of 12 months. Because reaching the peak of your musical ability is no easy feat. In fact, it will likely take even more than 12 months for you to get there.

So if you’re accepted, you will always be given the opportunity to renew your commitment for another 12 months if you wish.

But at the same time, when you’re finally squeezing everything you can out of your practice routine…

You will be shocked by just how much better your bass playing becomes each and every week. And by the outstanding bass player you will become just 12 short months from now.

Which is why we decided to require a minimum 12-month commitment for this program.

And The Blueprint is the only place you can get a custom “bass blueprint” that streamlines your progress using my 7-Pillar Coaching Method, along with one-on-one coaching and support from a professional bass coach.

That way, you can see double…triple…or even quadruple the progress from the time you spend in the practice shed.

But instead of spending $61,000 or more just for tuition to attend a school like NYU or Berklee for a year…

You can enjoy a year in The Blueprint for a fraction of that. (If you qualify for admission.)

And for 12 straight months, you’ll be able to watch in awe as your bass playing takes a giant leap forward every single week.

Because you’ll be able to squeeze every ounce of progress from the time you spend practicing the bass. (Even if it’s only for a few minutes some weeks.)

And while tuition for The Blueprint isn't exactly cheap, either…

Many bass players spend much more on their bass collection, amp, speakers, and effects chasing their dream sound.

Scott holding a bunch of gear

Yet even after spending all that money, they still don’t come anywhere close to achieving the rich bass tone they hear in their heads.

And while most bass players I know love tinkering with the latest gear…

If we’re being honest, you probably also know the most important factor for achieving a powerful bass sound is you.

Your fretting hand. Your plucking hand, picking, or slap technique. Your timing, rhythm, groove. Your articulations, accents, and so much more.

Nothing else plays a bigger role in the sound you create with your bass.

So before you spend another $1,000…$5,000…or even $10,000 on more bass gear…

Why not invest that money in the thing that impacts your sound the most — your playing skills — instead?

Because there is no obligation when you apply to The Blueprint today.

So picture yourself holding your bass just 12 short months from now…

A man in his 30s holding a bass standing with confidence

And imagine cruising through your entire setlist without fumbling a single riff or fill.

Imagine feeling like your bass has become an extension of your body. And now there’s no barrier between you and the creativity you have locked deep inside you.

Or imagine stepping into the spotlight and erupting into a blazing solo that thrills everyone in the audience.

Because as a member of The Blueprint, all this and more can be yours.

But remember, there are only a limited number of seats available in The Blueprint right now.

And we’re filling them on a first-come, first-served basis. Which means now you have a decision to make. So take a second and ask yourself…

If you don’t do something now to become a better bass player,
what’s going to change?

Scott holding bass looking fearful
Imagine spending weeks…months…or even years feeling frustrated and stuck with your playing. Because you’re still not making any progress, no matter how hard you try.

Think about how it will feel to continue struggling with your rhythm, timing, and finding a groove with the rest of the band…

To feel embarrassed when those up-tempo licks and fills come out sloppy and out of sync during a big show…

Or to always fall short when you try to make the sound coming out your amp match the thunderous, powerful tone you have in your head…

Because the sad truth is, if you keep following the same approach to improving your skill as a bassist…

You’ll just stay stuck in the same-old ruts.

Which is why I encourage you to embrace a new method for achieving your full musical potential. And to apply for one of the limited spots in The  Blueprint right now.

Remember, there is no obligation when you submit your application.

You can change your mind at any time.

And if we believe you may be a good fit for The Blueprint, one of the members on our concierge team will contact you to schedule a 15-minute, no-pressure call.

On the call, we will review your application with you and answer any question you have. Then only after that call will you be offered a spot in the program. (Assuming you are still interested and we agree it’s a fit for you.)

Submit your no-obligation application now to see if you qualify for one of the limited seats in The SBL Blueprint Bass Coaching Program

Because The Blueprint is the only program that allows bass players to squeeze every ounce of progress from their practice time.

And if you are accepted, you won’t believe how much better your playing becomes just 12 short months from now…

Whether you want to build unshakable confidence and groove…

Shred up and down the neck during rapid-fire chord changes…

Or establish the creativity, articulations, and embellishments that allow you to develop your own unique style.

The Blueprint program is here to help you reach the peak of your musical potential.

So click the button below to submit your no-obligation application now.

And hurry!

Like I said, there are only a limited number of spots available in this exclusive program right now. And we are reviewing applications on a first-come, first-served basis.

Which means every minute you wait to apply, you increase the risk that you will miss your chance to secure one of the coveted seats in The Blueprint.

So if you believe you’re a fit, don’t delay.

Submit your application now.

And our concierge will be in touch if you qualify.

Good luck! And I hope to see you in the program.

Scott Devine
Scott Devine Signature
Scott Devine - SBL Founder

Apply now to see if you qualify
for The Blueprint